For toys, one of the best is an old fishing rod with about a 3ft string tied to it. I like the heavier fishing trout line. It works better than kite string. I have also crochet a string to use. Pretty much anything will work. Plastic drinking straws work great too. They slide around really good when they bat at them, and they like chewing on them.
When they get the ball out and loose it, a golf or ping pong balls work $10.49.
Bergan-Turbo Scratcher Replacement Pad $5.35 for Two.
They love these spring toys, but you will need a long stick to retrieve the from under furniture and appliances $6.46.
They can’t get the ball out of this one. It is good solid plastic and holds up really good $11.39.
SmartCat Toy Balls 3 Pack $1.99.
Kong Laser Cat Toy $3.99.
There are a lot of crinle tunnels to pick from. This is the one I have used $11.75.
There are several variety packs to pick from. I just ordered this one today for $15.98.
To contact us: Cathy Johannes * Phone: 785-256-6861 * Email Cathy
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