Maya a Silver Tabby with White Female in Wichita, KS
I’ve never had a Maine Coon, but I’ve wanted one for several years. My husband surprised me by driving to the Johannes’ and telling me to pick out a kitten, which we would get to bring home about two months later. We spent some time playing with the kittens and the older kitty’s. They were all so friendly and playful, it was hard to leave. Their home was very clean and the cats had lots of toys and room to play. Just before we were scheduled to bring her home, she started sneezing. They took her to the vet that day to have her checked out and put on an antibiotic. We were very thankful they didn’t take any chances with her health.
She adjusted to our family very quickly – even the kids. She was snuggling in bed with me the very first night. Once we introduced her to our older cat, she was excited to have a playmate, but the older cat didn’t feel the same. Maya was persistent, though, and within just a few days, the cats became best friends. |
She’s still just a kitten, but she has a great disposition and is really beautiful. You can tell that she has been loved since birth and was very well taken care of. I don’t think I would ever use another breeder after our experience with Cathy.
Jon & Angie
Phoenix a Silver Tabby with White Female in Washington
We received a lot of pictures, but we didn't personally meet Phoenix until we picked her up at the airport. She studied my husband and I very carefully, then checked out the car before we started home. She traveled quietly in her carrier in the car. She made friends with each of us during the first few hours in her new home. Being tired from her long trip didn't slow her curiosity to explore all of her new territory and what comes with it. We received Phoenix Tuesday 6/11/13, but it feels like she’s been with us much longer.
At home, she met our older kitten – Matvey. She made a ball of herself right away– as big as she could possibly master, and started to growl at him. Probably, she never met black cats before. She did it each time he would look at her, but when he wasn’t looking, she would crawl closer to check him out. It was so much fun to watch! The very next morning – they became good buddies.
Murka, Matvey’s sister still needs time to adjust. Phoenix walked right up to her with no fear whatsoever. But the older girl felt like her territory was invade and |
didn’t accept the invitation to play. Today is 6/13 and she finally stopped hissing and started to watch how Matvey and Phoenix play together. Murka and Matvey are both domestic short hair. Phoenix is our first pure breed Main Coon. We previously had a Maine Coon mix named Tina. Her personality and beauty are what prompted us to look for a Main Coon kitten after we lost her.
The first night Phoenix slept with us. Even though she seemed not to like our touch, she was purring every time I or my husband would speak to her. The night was nice and calm. Phoenix played a little on our bed and fell asleep practically for the whole night. It was me who woke her up at 3am - I just took her to the litter box, so she complied, she ate a little, and then we went back to sleep. She didn't get up until we did. The play started right then!
She really impressed us with her learning abilities. In the car I said to her –“Hi, Phoenix!”. She looked at me with her sooo attending smart big eyes, and the very next time I said the name, she came to me right away. Wow! Her ability to learn and her easy going nature are really amazing. She is so easy to be with - such a strong and friendly personality. She’s a wonderful addition to our family. We are really happy with Phoenix. She has adjusted very well in a such a short time! Everyone in my family is already in love with her.
Thank you Cathy for all your care, and love for those little Main Coon kids. The way you raise them makes them the best possible choice for a kitten to bring home. Also, I am grateful for the prompt communication – we weren’t easy clients for you Cathy, but you answered all the questions we had, and provided us with all the information we needed. THANK YOU! If we ever want another kitten, Cathy is the person we will to go. There is no doubt about this for us. I feel that we will stay fiends for many years to come.
Svetlana and Oleg
Sunny Daze a Cameo Tabby with White Male: Puma a Brown Tabby with White Female: April Fulyn a Brown Patch Tabby with White Female in KS
I have purchased 3 Maine Coon kittens from the Johannes. They are really precious cats. I have enjoyed them beyond words. Something new with each one every day.
The Johannes have a very loving environment for their cats. Cathy sits with the Mother cat when she is having the kittens. So much love for them. Haven't seen a more caring person to be raising and breeding Maine Coons.
I know from being at their place that it is very important to her, meaning Cathy to have quality cats. She is very proud of what she has and wants to maintain that quality. I would not go to any other person to purchase them again.
A big plus with the Johannes, is the communication you maintain with her. She is always wanting to know how they are doing and wants pictures and updates on them. I truly enjoy my Maine Coons and they even go visit her from time to time so she can see how they are doing. I have developed a very good relationship with Cathy and would recommend her to anyone wanting to purchase a top quality Maine Coon.
Have a nice day, Cathy E. |
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Lyza a Silver Patch Mackerel Tabby with White Female in Kansas
We recently had the privilege to send some time at Cathy’s house and visit with her and her husband for a while, as well as got to meet the whole ‘family.’ The Johannes’ home is awesome, w
ith lots of space and toys for us.. err.. I mean, the animals...to play! |
All of the cats were beautiful, loved to wrestle with each other, and were bright, vibrant felines. Lyza, the kitten we bought, has been a delightful bundle of joy and we are SO pleased. She’s fearless, loves to cuddle, loves to explore, and, most of all, loves to PLAY! During our visit, we saw all of her brothers and sisters also loved to hunt/play with feathers as well as a shiny bit of foil on the end of a fishing pole string. Everybody played non-stop while we were there and had a grand ‘ole time.
Both Momma cats are gorgeous; Lyza's mommy Lizzy is SO Elegant! Lyza herself is going to be a stunning looker when she grows up! She’s already too-cute-for words, with soft fur and very bright eyes. : )
Lyza didn't have any trouble adapting to our home as she’s provided with plenty of play time and toys to channel her plethora of energy. Her soul is like a cheerful ball of light; her jubilance is contagious and you –have- to smile when she bounds up to greet you. Lyza recently figured out how to untie my shoes: racing herself to untie them quicker than the last time she untied them is her new favorite game! (I might need to switch back to Velcro, ha ha ha!)
She’s certainly a loved and desired member of our family. : )
LapCatsCattery is everything we look for in a breeder: Health and safety conscious, respectful of the cats, a good size to adapt to each cat’s individual needs, raises them as family so the cats are already well-adjusted even as kittens, loving, great space, and knowledgeable about each kitten’s individuality. I highly recommend them as you are in the market for a MainCoon Kitten! They are well worth the price!
LaDonna & James
Garvy a Silver Tabby with White Male in South Dakota
Garvy made it just fine. He acts like he has lived here from day one. Him and the dog are already sleeping together. He is so care free. He wanders around the house checking everything out and comes screaming out of the rooms looking to play and 2 minutes later his eyes are closed taking a quick nap.
He slept between us all last night and didn't make a peep. He didn't even purr. Did he purr for you? He got up this morning and went into the bathroom, did his business had a little chow and he was off chasing the dog.
He seems very smart. I have had a number of kittens in my life but none ever seem to pay much attention to you. Garvy will stop and look and come over to check out what you want.
My wife was not to hip on getting a kitten just yet and told me how it was my turn to clean the litter box and chase after him when he is into something he shouldn't be but guess what, she was in watching him every minute, cleaning the litter box, getting him food and water, pampering him every time I look and Garvy is just sucking it up.
He stays close to her and goes to her side of the bed when he needs help getting up. I think he has her wrapped. Now she says I think he likes me more than you… She has a ton of pictures to show everyone. I will send them as he grows. |
Thanks so much for your help in picking him up. I am going to keep you updated regularly with pictures.
Merry Christmas
Dennis and Tina